Wednesday, February 2, 2011

"Come, see a man..."

"Many of the Samaritans from that town believed in him because of the woman’s testimony, 'He told me everything I ever did.' So when the Samaritans came to him, they urged him to stay with them, and he stayed two days. And because of his words many more became believers." John 4:39-41

It’s been a while since I blogged, and I am feeling a bit guilty about that.  You see, I am trying to make sure that this trial is really changing me.  I know that as I draw closer to Christ and grow in my walk with Him, I should be changed.  I am using this blog as a way to make myself more accountable to my commitment to seek Him more actively and be bold in sharing my testimony.  It really is very selfish, but I also pray that God will use it as He sees fit to touch the hearts of others for Him.  Regarding this, God has encouraged me a lot lately. 

I just finished a book that was given to me by a dear friend shortly after Mark’s diagnosis, Choosing to See by Mary Beth Chapman written after the loss of her daughter in a very tragic accident.   It chronicles her grief and faith over the months and years that followed the accident.  I know from personal experience that grief can last a very long time and can cut deeper into the soul than what I had ever imagined.  C.S. Lewis’s book A Grief Observed is an amazing account of his grief after the death of his wife.  I could go on and on about grief but that’s not what I’m ready for today.  I digress.

As I read Mary Beth’s book, I couldn’t help but underline a few things she said.  (Sorry dear friend for the marks in your book).  “We had a heightened awareness of what really mattered, a clearer vision of eternal things that we normally could not see.  We were desperate for God.  The Bible was like oxygen for us as we searched for comfort within its pages.”  Wow, Mark and I felt that too! And, because God so providentially encouraged us through His word right after Mark’s diagnosis, I hear God telling me to search the Bible more diligently because He will use it to encourage me…..and He is!  As I read devotionals that lead me to His word or “verses of the day” that lead me back to whole passages, He is speaking to me and comforting and encouraging me.  Thank you, God, for speaking so powerfully to me through your word!

Today I was led to the story in John 4 of Jesus talking to the Samaritan woman at the well.  This encouraged me in so many ways.   First, it encouraged me to speak boldly to whomever God puts in my pathway no matter who they are.  Jesus spoke to the Samaritan woman.  Jews didn’t associate with Samaritans in that culture.  Jesus didn’t let cultural fences keep him from sharing His plan, and I shouldn’t either.  This passage also highlights the incredible power that we have been given through the Holy Spirit that allows us to worship God “in the Spirit and in truth” wherever we are - something that believers in the Old Testament didn’t always have.  It also encouraged me to keep sharing my testimony boldly.  The testimony of the Samaritan woman made others seek Christ; I want my testimony to send others to the feet of Jesus too! In her book Mary Beth Chapman says, “’So as much as we can, we will use our suffering as a place where people see our hope and our faith.”  (this time I underlined in pencil)  I want that too!  Lord, help me to always speak boldly of your power in our lives and through this cancer trial.  Help me to share our story in a way that draws people to You and isn't preachy or whiney.  I want others to see You not us! Amen.

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