The weekend after Mark’s diagnosis was the weekend that clocks were to be adjusted for daylight savings time. Before I went to bed Saturday night I stared at that clock intently wondering what it would do. Twice a year it automatically adjusts itself to daylight savings time, and we wake up the next morning with an accurate clock. Would it adjust? Is it really getting that radio signal? I went to bed.
Sunday Morning Nov. 7, 7:36am I wrote:
“Last night the clocks ‘fell back’ to adjust for daylight savings time. So, we wondered what would happen to the atomic clock. It should adjust. It reads ‘7:29’ – It appears that it adjusted the hour for DLS time but not for the 8-10 minute error. Is it slightly correcting? Wow, the clock is getting the signal! The error is clearly something God has used but I wonder what to make of it all. Will it correct? If so, when? What else will He reveal to us? He is whispering: He is in control."
I think I need to read Job. I will, but I’m not quite ready to.
Our clock is still 8 minutes behind.
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