This is a journal entry I made on Oct. 5, 2010...God's preparation for this trial began long ago. Nothing is a surprise to Him!
As I reevaluated whether my time is really supporting what my priorities in life are/should be, I was convicted. I truly believe that my priorities should be relationship focused, heavenly focused. For me that means my relationship with God, my husband, my children, other members of the Body of Christ, the lost and needy. So, I started at the top and knew that I needed to determine to spend more quality time with God, in His word, in prayer. While my brief, regular times of devotion are meaningful to me, the less regular times of deeper individual Bible Study have revealed….GLORY, whispers from God, a real sense that the Holy Spirit is alive and eager to work in my life.
During an extended period of prayer time in my backyard, God sent playful squirrels to entertain. An extended study of Hosea and prayer sent a hawk to my back patio. Another time of prayer and reading brought thoughts of ministry opportunities…another visit by the hawk…it this God’s whisper?
This reminded me of a scene from C.S. Lewis’ Voyage of the Dawn Treader. While escaping from the Dark Island (end of Chapter 12), Lucy cries out to Aslan and an Albatross arrives….”But no one except Lucy knew that as it circled the mast it had whispered to her, ‘Courage, dear heart,’ and the voice, she felt sure, was Aslan’s, and with the voice a delicious smell breathed in her face."
When I am not confined by a time limit and really allow myself to passionately search his word, pray and listen, he is encouraging and “smiling” through his glorious creation.
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